Getting Started
If you are interested in the Lightning Process® (LP) training, the cost and the steps to take are explained below.
Cost of the LP Training
To make the LP training available to people who would otherwise be unable to afford to take it, I do not charge a fee and only work with people who have a financial hardship.
If you have the financial means to pay for the training, I would be happy to refer you to other LP Practitioners who do charge a fee (approximately $2,000).
Steps to Take for the LP Training
The first step is to purchase and listen to the Phase 1 Audio Program.
The second step is to contact me so we can schedule a call or Zoom session to chat about what is going on in your life, what you would like to change, whether the LP training is suitable for you, and if this is the right time for you to take it.
If you want to take the training, the third step is to prepare and submit two documents — the LP Application and the Financial Statement — which will be kept confidential. Both documents are fillable PDFs. If you have a spouse or partner, they will need to complete the Financial Statement jointly with you. That document automatically performs calculations and you only need to fill out the sections that apply to you.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me before you have listened to the audio program and/or submit the application and financial statement before we have a chance to chat.
All phases of the training, including contacting me, are designed to work for you.
Audio Program, Financial Statement & Application
You can purchase and download the Phase 1 Audio Program via the link below.
Of the seven different versions of the audio program available, download the best one for you for just $19.99 (£15.99).
If what you would like to work on is covered by more than one of the versions or is not covered by any of the versions, just choose the most relevant one for you at this time. Each version provides the same basic information and then adds a bit more about the topic you selected and various related success stories.
You can download the LP Application via the link below. After you click on the link and the document appears, click on the download arrow and the document will open as an internet form. Fill out the internet form and then download it to your desktop and save it.
You can download the Financial Statement via the link below. After you click on the link and the document appears, click on the download arrow and the document will open as an internet form. Fill out the internet form and then download it to your desktop and save it.
Your Training Package
If you choose to take the training, your LP training package will include the following:
- A personalized “meet your practitioner” call where you will get to chat with me and have a chance to get all your questions answered
- The three half-days of training focused on helping you achieve the changes you would like
- Your training handbook, printouts, and handy card to remind you of the key steps of the LP
- A certificate of completion of your training
- Three hours of follow-up coaching support (in separate one-hour weekly sessions) after the course with your training group
- One-hour post-course audio support program you can listen to daily
- Phil Parker’s monthly graduate newsletter with tips and hints delivered straight to your inbox
After Your Training is Completed
If you would like to continue working with an LP Practitioner after your training is completed, I would be happy to refer you to other practitioners who charge a fee for their services.